Friday, March 19, 2010


WEEK 10.

Politics and the Internet

The Gist.

welcome to week 10! just a few more weeks and the sem's over! my group presented on the internet and politics, and it seems that both are more related than ever as the years go by. besides that, the class also learnt about political advertising and campaigns, and also touched on countries which restrict internet access for various reasons.

So What Else.

it seems that not every country has internet access. it is not because the country is poor, or don't own a nuclear powerstation. it's is because of how the country is shaped, the political shape of the country. it appears that countries that aim to protect their citizens are more wary of the internet than the disease a rodent could bring. you see, the internet is more than a disease. just like fire, one could be a master of it or else become a burnt matchstick. the wonders of the internet are for all to see; the abundance of information, as well as junk is quite apparent. the internet is a tool where one can set a forestfire, or create applications like Cooking Mama (a cooking game).

Why Should We Care?

however, certain countries know of the backlash if they unleash the restriction. the internet can be used to fan the flames against the governing body, and thus create instability amongst the already unhappy people. statistics have shown that a mere relaxation of rules, then restricting them again can cause a serious backlash against the government. because i'm not qualified to speak out or speak against the political agenda of such countries, it is perhaps better to put ourselves in their shoes and ask why they chose to resrict in the first place.

"to understand one's feet, one should wear their shoes first"

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